Thursday 26 January 2012

Have said nothing for over two year now so it is time I actually got around to writing something again. I am still in France and hate it more and more as each day passes. We never got our restaurant and in the end my husband had to return to the UK to work to get money for us to survive. I can not wait until we have sold up here and I can return to the UK and get back to doing what I love - teaching or even just living rather than existing. We are trying to sell our house so I should not be knocking France, it is a lovely country but just not for me. So if you are looking for a great property at a knock down price have a look at our house for sale on property number 18476. Take 20,000 euros off the price they are quoting and that is what we are selling it for privately. Contact me if you are interested. My e-mail is - if I get a single response from this I will be amazed! We are open to offers and will take anything reasonable. You know that you want to do this!

Friday 13 November 2009

Wow, I'm a blogger!

Well, I have got myself a blog at last! I love writing but have no idea what to put on this. It has been an ordinary day. There is nothing exciting about living in France. The French are the most racially prejudiced nation on earth. If you are not French they do not like you and do not really want you in their country. You can not work even if you are from an EC member state so the only thing ot do is to run your own business. We are trying to buy a restaurant but it is like wading through treacle. I used to be a teacher but you can not teach here so that is of no value whatsoever.
I spent this morning riding one of my French "Trotteurs", Sophie. A friend was riding my other one, Jess. It was a lovely sunny morning and very mild for mid November. We still have not put on the central heating although we have had the open fire going a few times. The weather here has been beautiful this year with no rain from May to November and temperatures in the top 30s and low 40s for weeks in August. THe weather is good here which is one thing that makes it bearable.
My son is studying in Manchester and is returning home for Christmas. I am looking forward to that, he has been away for six months now and I miss him.